Legal Notice

Dott./Univ. Siena Paula Roth

Friedrich-Engels-Bogen 36
81735 Munich

Fax: (089) 67 32 626

Management: Dott./Univ. Siena Paula Roth

legal. Job title (awarded in):
Mrs. Roth: Dott./Univ. Siena (Italy)

Responsible chamber: Bavarian State Chamber of Dentists

The professional code of the above-mentioned chamber applies.

Responsible supervisory authority: Government of Upper Bavaria – Work Area 210.3 – 80534 Munich

Licensing authority: Bavarian Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists

Licence number: 015197

Responsible within the meaning of TMG and MDStV: Dott./Univ. Siena Paula Roth

Legal Information

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Insofar as the website contains information from third parties or has links to third-party websites, this is done exclusively as an additional service for users. The owner is not responsible for the content contained therein and does not adopt it as his own. The owner assumes no liability for damages arising in connection with the retrieval of third-party websites or from the use of the contents of these websites.

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Office hours

Monday – Thursday
from 08:00 to 19:00

from 08:00 to 14:00

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